Sunday, April 25, 2010

Oh Tidak!!

Gahhhh! Nape esok dah kena balik? Tak mahu balik! Nak duduk rumah...! Kerja sekolah masih berlambak, peka BIO tak sentuh ape pun.. Oh Tidak! Tuan Samian, saya mohon berilah pengecualian kepada pelajar tuan yang sorang nie untuk pulang lewat seminggu dari tarikh yang sebenar.. Please...! =(

So guys, esok dah nak kena balik.. Pastu, maybe sebulan baru balik rumah balik.. Ish! It's totally unfair..! Err, I just remember that my birthday is just around the corner which is next Sunday..! Yeah! Mom, dad, please come to SAMURA and celebrate my birthday there.. Please..! =)

To my twin, Amin, happy becoming birthday.. Gahh...! Kita dah tua.. Dulu tukar2 hadiah, sekarang dah tak boleh da.. Heheheh.. Rindu saat itu.. =D

Plus, midyear exam is just sround the corner.. My physics, my Biology and add math are weak enough.. Biology really makes me 'biol lagi'. =P Wahai insan bernama Naurah, kuatkanla semangat untuk terus belajar dan kikis la sifat malas tuh.. Asik makan ngan tido je.. Heheheheh..(aku dah gemuk)! =P This is my first exam results :


Boleh tahan la.. Tapi aku ingat lagi masa amik keputusan add math, aku org second last amik.. And yes, aku menangis.. Malunye..! Banyak careless doh..! =( Takpe, midyear buat yang terbaik! Chaiyok! =D

To all readers, thanks a lot and bye bye.. Will update soon.. Love you guys so much..! =D


With love,

p/s : I just lost my phone.. =( Sorry guys, tak dapat balas msg and call. I still use the old number..

p/s/s : Aisyah, miss u like heaven..! =)

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